I know now that I was born to write. How do i know that? Because I love pens! He he he...
I have just realized that I have so many pens. I look at my tabl
e at work, and there's a bunch. I open my bag and find a number of them. I look at my bedside table, there they are in red, black and blue.There's even a pencil holder on top of my clothes drawer, looking out of place amidst the perfume, lotion and toiletries. I realize I could not go anywhere without them, and they could not be absent from my areas of habitation. The funny thing though is that I am not satisfied with just one, I have to have many in different colors and types as well! I gotta have a ballpen, a signpen, a pencil, and a highlighter even!
I confess now that acquiring and hoarding pens is one of my addictions! :)
And boy do I hoard them! I remember now, back in the Philippines, I had a reputation at work for picking up other people's pens from their tables. It was always the case that one's pen would disappear after I have just visited him or her at his/her workstation! I think people started putting their names on their pens because of me. He he he...
I didn't really reflect on that aspect of my personality until I realized I have so many of them! I swear I never intended to "steal" other people's pens - although I've had moments of longingly looking at people's pens with purple ink..but I never really thought of stealing them :) So i should be pretty harmless...and I don't intentionally stack them in my bag or my pencil holders as well.
I think it's just that subconciously, I am afraid that I will run out of something to write with! I am a doodler you see - I just write anything and everything on anything and everything, and I guess my subconscious just fears that one day, people will stop manufacturing pens, and then, where will I be? :)
And so, why do I write about this really? Well, this is my way of reaching out to you ...for those I will meet, please consider this a warning as I haven't found a cure yet...although you should be happy to be sitting next to me in an exam, or a long flight only to find out you have no pen. For my friends and family, now you know what to get me for my birthday (I like them fancy and nice). For people I have worked with or met, who ever wondered where they pens went, yes, it was probably me...for those who knew it was me, I am really sorry... I will find a way to pay you when I start to earn big bucks from my writing..After all, if my love for pens is any indication, I should be a great writer someday :)
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