Saturday, July 14, 2007

My Knight in Shining Armor

Today is my nong's bday. As a birthday present, I gave him a caricature of himself as a knight - for he is truly my knight in shining armor.

He makes me feel safe. Nong is the gentlest of people and yet there is something about him that makes me feel secure. Like nothing in this world can harm me, physically, or emotionall, because he is there to protect me.

He is my rock. He is strong when I am weak. People who knows us would probably say I am strong, but between the two us, I have no doubt that he is stronger. He is strong, but not in a flashy way. Nong has a quiet strength that draw my own strength from when I am down.

He makes me feel like a queen, like I call the shots. The truth of the matter is, he really calls the shots. Sure, he lets me get my way most of the time, but he knows better. Even if I do get my way most of the time, he knows on matters that really count, he takes charge.

It's not as if I'm blind to his faults. After ten years, I know the good as well as the bad. But his bad aren't even really bad, some of it are just offshoots of his good traits. And I love him for all that he is, good and bad. After all, knights are humans too.

When I was a starry eyed teenager, I prayed a knight will come and sweep me off my feet. And I believed he would. Despite experiences that could have made me cynical, I never faltered. I knew he would...and he did.


Unknown said...

wow! speechless... hope to meet mine someday ;)

Nong said...

Thank you mahal..

This is my best birthday gift ever...

You're the best mahal..

I'm so touched...


- Husband Nong