First was an answered prayer. The second was an unexpected blessing, or more appropriately a desire that we have not yet brought to God in prayer.
And so I sit here, with tears in my eyes, just thankful, and humbled by how much God loves HIS children.
HE always answers our prayers, and I mean always. It may not always be with a YES. Sometimes it could be with a NO, or WAIT, but HE ALWAYS answers in a way that is best for us.
HE even answers prayers we haven't even voiced out yet. HE knows and HE provides. Isn't that just great?
And yet oftentimes, we easily lose faith. Thank God HE remains faithful in HIS promise that if we seek HIm first, then all other things will be added unto us.
I just want to encourage you, if there is anything you need or anything you need help in. Don't hesitate to come to God in prayer. Jesus will intercede for you, ALWAYS :)